The seminar "Geochemistry of magmatic rocks" was established by
V.I. Gerasimovsky – the first head of laboratory of magmatic rocks
in V.I. Vernadsky Institute for Geochemistry and Analytical
chemistry RAS. Initially the seminar was the local meeting, inside
the V.I. Vernadsky institute. The first All- Union conference
devoted to the geochemistry of magmatic rocks took place in our
Institute in 1975. The wide thematic field of conference allowed to
attract the scientists, working for study of magmatism from the all
territory of USSR. During the last-soviet period this seminar
annually became the important event for the Soviet magmatic
geochemistry. After breakdown of the USSR a seminar some years were
not spent.
The scientific school «Alkaline magmatism of the Earth» in the end
of 90-th restored to life this conference as the All-Russian seminar.
Rapidly the seminar became the significant conference also for the
post-soviet republics and officially changed its status. Very
important factor for resuscitating the seminar was the support of
Russian foundation for Basic research
The new page in the seminar history was opened the away-meetings.
They have been spent in Apatity (Kola Peninsula)in 2003, Miass (Ural)
in 2007 and Donetsk (Ukrain)in 2008.
Since 2002 year the seminar materials had been published both in the
book of abstract and in the web-pages of seminar.
The pages of the previous seminars:
магматических пород - 2002
магматических пород
- 2003
магматических пород
- 2005
Геохимия, петрология, минералогия и генезис щелочных пород – 2006
Щелочной магматизм Земли
и его рудоносность"-2007
магматических пород
- 2008
Geochemistry of magmatic rocks -2009 |